- 刷 brush
- 刷卡 punch the card
- 毛刷 brush
- plastic surgery P.Surg.
- 雨刷 screen wiper
- plastic flow (晶粒的) 塑性滑移
- plastic lining (炉衬) 塑料衬里
- 刷卡机 imprinter
- plastic-laminated (指织物) 塑料胶合的
- 刷毛 brush of kernel
- plastic design (按塑性理论设计) 塑性设计
- 刷漆 lacquering
- plastic credit (有凸印文字的塑料信用卡) 塑料信用
- 钢丝刷 wire brush
- (=Plastic Surgery Research Council) 整形外科研究委员会 P.S.R.C.
- 刷卡,划卡 to punch the card; to stamp the card
- Plastic Bump Cap打孔边设计可以四周通风,让空气更为流通。 Perforated sides allow cross ventilation for better air circulation.
- 刷墙 whitewash a wall
- Plastic Bump Cap只适用于不需ANSI的头部保护的工作环境。 Bump caps are appropriate only for work situations which do not require ANSI-compliant head protection.
- 她用硬毛刷清洗水槽。 She cleaned the sink with a stiff brush.